Remie Longbrake


by: Remie Longbrake | published: March 12, 2023

Brain power is a vital fact of life, one that each of us needs for our body to properly function. Exciting enough there are step we can take to help our metal well-being by doing these following tips each day.

1. Boosting blood flow

Engaging in regular exercise at least three – five days per week, 30 minutes at a time can help with improving blood flow. It’s blood flow that allows for a healthy heart and positivity impacts our mind with good endorphins.

2. Engaging in learning

To keep your brain active, lean something new. Take piano lessons, play a new sport, or learn a new language. And don’t retire. A 2012 study found that holding off on retirement decreases the rate of cognitive decline.

3. Reduce inflammation

Avoid foods that increase inflammation, like sugar, refined carbohydrates, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, and gluten. Instead consume prebiotics, like apples, beans, cabbage, artichokes, onions, leeks, asparagus, and root vegetables. Probiotics like kefir, kombucha, and unsweetened yogurt also have good attributes.

4. Know your risk

Find out about your family history and whether your relatives have had any emotional, behavioral or cognitive issues. You may also want to consider genetic testing.

5. Protect your head

Wear a helmet while biking, rollerblading and other risky activities where falling or crashing is a real possibility. Also, simple things, like using the handrail go down steps and don’t text and walk (or drive).

If you have had a head injury, consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which uses purse oxygen to accelerate the healing process. A brain SPECT imaging study in Plos One involving 56 people with mild traumatic brain injuring found that treatment with HBOT resulted in improved brain activity levels as well as significant improvements in cognitive function and quality of life.

6. Boost your immune system

Boost your vitamin D level and lower your stress. One of my favorite evidence-based immunity boosting stress management techniques is going outside and enjoying nature. The sun is powerful when it comes to boosting vitamin D levels. Also, a good laugh can do wonders to lower stress and boost our mood and immunity.

7. Limit toxins

To avoid toxins, do such things as quit smoking, limit alcohol use. Also, consider chemicals that you use to clean your home. Use natural-based cleaners which effect the body less harshly than many regular-name brands.

8. Seek help for mental health issues

Seeking treatment is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of strength in that you’re willing to get help. Look for a professional who understands that brain health is the key to mental health and uses the least toxic, most effective treatment for your circumstances.

9. Support your hormones

To promote healthy hormones, avoid smoking, chronic stress, processed foods, caffeine and alcohol. These alone can help the mind function better.

10. Eat a brain-healthy diet

Eat organic, colorful fruits and vegetables, especially berries and leafy greens. Sustainable raised fish and meat, low-glycemic foods, high-fiber foods, nuts, seeds and healthy fats like avocados, coconut oil and olive oil are all great to eat!

11. Make sleep priority

Adopt a good sleep habit each night. Keep your bedroom dark, cool and as quiet as possible.

When you leran to love and care for your brain each day, you boost your mood, memory, focus, and sense of well-being. Are you ready to make brain and mental health a positive part of your routine?

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