Remie Longbrake


by: Remie Longbrake | published: February 15, 2022

The food we put into our bodies plays a big role in how we feel, both physically and mentally. In fact, a study done in 2015 by Harvard in nutritional psychology, identified a high sugar diet can lead to poor brain function and developing ailments such as depression.

The good news is there are many foods that can boost our mood, provide us with a pick-me-up all while providing nutrition to our body to help keep us healthy.

Here are some foods that can help boost your mood.


With its small size, berries have a high dose of antioxidants that are known to improve brain function as memory and protect against the effects of aging. Sprinkle a portion of these berries in low-fat yogurt for more brain-boosting benefits!


Chocolate, specifically dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa, is full of antioxidants that can help remove harmful chemicals from the body. Eating higher-quality chocolate also releases endorphins in the brain, which are responsible for helping make us happiness.


Coffee is the world’s most popular drink, and it is seems it may make the world a bit happier as well.
The caffeine in coffee increasing the release of neurotransmitters which boost our mood and attentiveness for that extra kick.

Fermented foods

Some, but not all, fermented foods, such as kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, and yogurt may improve gut health and mood. The fermentation process in these foods allows live bacteria to thrive that through this process probiotics are created. These live micro-organisms help support the growth of good bacteria and can help increase serotonin levels in our bodies. It’s this serotonin that can be linked to increase in happiness and decrease in stress.


Reducing the amount of bad fats we eat, while increasing the amount of good fats can lead to improved brain function. Fish such as salmon and tuna are high in omega 3 fatty acids, which can increase serotonin levels and improve our mood.

Green Tea

Many teas are known for their relaxing properties, and while drinking green tea may give you a sense of calmness, it also contains a small amount of caffeine, which, if enjoyed in moderation, can give you a little energy throughout the day without jitters, that sometimes coffee drinkers may experience.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are high in fiber, protein, and good fats. It can keep you full for a long time, which can help you to avoid accessing sugary snacks during the day. Enjoy a few of your favorite nuts and seeds at a time, though — even good fats can be dangerous if overused.


Oats are a whole grain that can keep you in good spirits through the slow release of sugar into the bloodstream. They are also a good source of fiber as oats can be found in oatmeal, granola, muesli and breads. It’s really the fiber in the oats that allows a slower processing of the sugar which gives us the energy boost.

As all foods, need to be cautious of high-sugar and processed foods can contain sugar that can spike insulin levels. And it’s through this sudden spike we can often feel a decrease in energy afterwards which can make us feel worse off and affect our mood. That’s why it’s generally better to choose foods that allow for gradual digestion, to give us a natural boost in energy without the sluggish side effects. We should also be cautious of the amount of food we eat and when. Eating too much at once and make us sluggish which can decrease our mood as well.

It’s our recommendation to always consult with your doctor or trained dietitian before changing your diet. This educational article is not specific advice. We strive to present quality, effective content. For specific references please use our contact page.

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